Legal Statement

fr-8 GmbH

Wollzeile 24/17

A-1010 Wien


Ph.: +43 1 9977292-0

District Court: Handelsgericht Wien

Managing Director: Mr. Alexander Freil

Company Reg. Number: FN518169p

UID/VAT Number: ATU74693423

EORI Number: ATEOS1000100083

Legal Notice – Business:

All business undertaken subject to the General Austrian Forwarder’s Terms and Conditions in valid wording.

Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Österreichischen Spediteurbedingungen (AÖSp) in der aktuellen Fassung.

Legal Notice – Quotation:

Our offers are without engagement until conclusion of a contract and based on rates, tariffs and exchange rate, valid on the date of quotation.

Transit-times, delivery, pick up or shipping dates are given to the best of our knowledge but to be read and understood without engagement.

fr-8 GmbH is not liable for delays and resulted penalties or other costs of any kind. We may substitute the chosen means of transport in parts of the agreed route (RFS etc.).

Our liability shall never exceed the limits determined by binding laws and conventions such as the Warszaw Convention, Montreal Convention, CMR, SMGS, CIM or Bill of Lading conditions.

Our offers are based on the assignment of carriers and other suppliers of our free choice, unless agreed in writing otherwise.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our invoices are due upon receipt and expenses from non- or delayed payment are at customers cost.

Legal Notice & Terms Of Use:

The contents of websites are copyright of fr-8 GmbH© 2019-2029 and provided “as is” and “as available”. Information may be changed or updated without notice. fr-8 GmbH may also make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described on their website or brochures at any time without notice.

You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost or use any of such materials for public or commercial purposes, without written permission of fr-8 GmbH.

By submitting messages to any of our servers through fr-8 websites, you agree that:

  1. The data will not contain any item that is unlawful or otherwise unfit for publication
  2. You will use reasonable efforts to scan and remove any viruses or other contaminating or destructive features before submitting any messages documents or other data.